Friday, February 7, 2025

Branding Your Brilliance: A Step-by-Step Guide to Personal Branding

 Book Cover

Branding Your Brilliance:

A Step-by-Step Guide to Personal Branding

By Catherine Epps

Are you tired of all the fluffy, vague advice about personal branding? Well, get ready for some straight talk with "Branding Your Brilliance" by Dr. Catherine Epps. With over 20 years of experience sifting through thousands of resumes, seeking and hiring only the best professionals, Dr. Epps is here to give it to you straight and show you how to gain an edge in your professional life. No matter what you do, you're in the business of selling. Whether it's a product, an idea, or even yourself, you've got to learn how to sell like a pro. And that starts with your personal brand. This book is all about action. With secrets to selling yourself, your vision, and your ideas in a way that is honest, direct, and effective, you will learn how to apply battle-tested selling strategies to create a personal brand and reputation that's impossible to ignore. This is not a self-help book. This is a guide for doers who want to take charge of their careers and leave their competition in the dust. Dr. Epps breaks down the steps to building a personal brand that's authentic, powerful, and impossible to resist. Covering how to create your brand, how to message, which platforms to choose, and pages of examples you can use to create bios and profiles that stand out from the crowd, power networking, and establishing yourself as the professional expert in your field. So, if you're ready to leave the fluffy advice behind and embrace a no-nonsense approach to personal branding, then grab a copy of "Branding Your Brilliance" and get ready to make some serious waves in your career.

99 Cent Special Feb 2-10, 2025

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