Sunday, December 2, 2018


After the murder of her sister, Emma finds herself thrown into a dark world of lust and desire. With the help of an underground club owner will she be able to catch her sisters killer and find herself along the way? 

He began walking towards her. Striding confidently, arrogantly as he sipped his drink. "Oh, really now than what brought you back here Emma?" He smiled smugly.

"It’s Officer Franklin and you will address me as such." She said as She glared.

"Of course, Officer Franklin." He kept his eyes on her and then stopped a few feet short. He glanced at her cuffs hanging from her navy-blue pants. "You get to carry yours around and yet I’m the freak?" He grinned as he took another long sip, licking his lips some as he looked at her.

It took her a second to know what he was referring to and She immediately began to blush some. Who the hell was this guy! She stood up taller and composed herself. "Mine are used legally Mr. Connors" She stared at him, a cocky grin on her face.

"So are mine except it's usually a lot more pleasurable when I put them on you." He grinned. She felt her face flush again, a deep red. He was trying to mess with her, She didn’t like it.

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